Breast Augmentation Procedure Guide

Larger Breasts with a Natural Look and Feel
Breast Augmentation, or Breast Enlargement, is a cosmetic procedure performed to enhance or restore the size and shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation performed by a qualified plastic surgeon is a safe and popular procedure. Breast augmentation was the second most popular cosmetic surgery procedure for women in 2022, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Breast Augmentation Quick Facts
See our Breast Augmentation Quick Facts for information on breast augmentation benefits and risks, costs, procedure length, anesthesia used during surgery, recovery time and more.
Breast Augmentation FAQ
Find answers to some of the most common questions about breast augmentation and breast implants in our Breast Augmentation FAQs.
Breast Augmentation Candidates
The best candidates for breast augmentation are women who want to enhance the appearance of their body with fuller breasts that look and feel natural, correct a loss of breast volume or correct a difference in breast size, or asymmetry. Breast augmentation candidates should also be in good health and have reasonable expectations for the outcome.
Breast Augmentation Costs and Financing
How much should you expect to pay for breast augmentation? Learn more about the typical costs involved and what your health insurance may cover.
Breast Augmentation Consultations
The consultation with a plastic surgeon is your opportunity to ask all of the questions you have about breast augmentation and receive expert advice on how to achieve the results you desire. Be prepared to duscuss your size goal, your health and medical history and personal factors such as family history and personal habits. Choosing a skilled, qualified plastic surgeon is one of the most important decisions you will make.
Preparing for Breast Augmentation
Preparing for breast augmentation surgery doesn't have to be stressful if you do a little planning and follow your the guidelines given to you by your doctor. Use our pre-op planning tips to help you prepare for surgery and the recovery period. These tips include information on medications and filling your prescriptions, preparing your home for the recovery period and what to do prior to surgery and on the day of surgery.
Breast Augmentation Surgery
Learn all about breast augmentation surgery, including the types of incision, where breast implants can be placed, anesthesia used during breast enhancement surgery and the risks and possible complications.
Breast Augmentation Post-op
Normal symptoms experienced after breast augmentation are usually minor and subside rapidly. These symptoms include moderate swelling and bruising, mild to moderate discomfort and pain, crusting along the incision lines, itching, numbness and tingling or shooting pains. You and your plastic surgeon will work as partners during the recovery period.